About Me

I am the mom of three children. Two boys ages 5 and 4 and a newborn baby girl. I have a great husband and a new law practice. My mother-in-law also lives with us along with her two elderly dogs. Life is full and I love it. I am calling this blog a life- extra-ordinary because growing up I prayed that I would have an "ordinary" life. I would have a house and a husband to raise my children with. I was raised by my grandmother and my siblings were spread out. An "ordinary" life seemed extraordinary. Now that I have this wonderfully "ordinary" life, I have been striving to make it even more extraordinary...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Raising Grateful Children

I've always thought the number one key to happiness is to be grateful. Grateful to be alive, grateful for a stable marriage, grateful for health...etc. When I was a child and people would feel sorry for me because of my family situation, I would say that I was luckier than the average child because I had so many adults that voluntarily wanted to take care of me and love me. They didn't do it because I was their child, but because they actually chose me. When I feel terrible I literally count my blessings, pick myself up and get going.

With my own children I have been trying to stave off the brat that wants to come out of them when they don't get to watch the television show the want or the toy they want. I feel like I have been falling woefully short on instilling gratefulness in their personalities and that this will effect thier larger happiness.

I read on other mommy blogs about Gratituesday. Gratituesday is an activity where you set Tuesday aside for everyone in the family to say what they are grateful for from the previous week. On Tuesdays we have soccer, so we are having Gratimondays instead. We tried tonight and I got the children to three things for the last week (I'm not letting them cop out with the "I thankful for mommy and daddy. " These have to be specific instances within the last week).

I think this week I am going to put two pieces of paper on the fridge- one for each child. As good things happen throughout the week, we will write them on the paper. I think this will make coming up with their list on Mondays easier for the preschool set.

We will see how it goes. I am open to any ideas for showing the kids to be happy with what they have and grateful for this wonderful life...

1 comment:

  1. Venus - I love this! What a great idea with the paper on the fridge. One thing we do is, at dinner, we ask each person, "What was your favorite part of the day?" and that gets us talking about the nice things that happened, and ultimately, things we should be grateful for.

    I'm so glad you are joining blog-world!!
